After postponing for a long time you've finally decided: you're going to make an advertising campaign on Facebook . You have talked about how well it works Facebook Ads if the ads are well thought out and you have everything ready . But when you really do not know where to start. How can you do to post an ad on the social network for excellence? In Get Easy Tricks we help, and we tell you how to create an ad on Facebook step by step.
- Go to this Facebook link and choose the kind of result that you want in your notice: most "like", conversions, interaction, etc..
- The next step will be different depending on what you choose. In this case we have chosen to "Like" the page, so if you are managing more than one page, you have to select which one you want.
- Then you can go edit the ad. In stock , you can choose the computer, Facebook or bookstore Shutter stock photos you want me to illustrate your ad . You can choose up to six ads are different (not why you pay more).
- Then you can edit the text and links: the title you want him to have the advertisement and text. Also, you can preview it on the right to learn how to appear in the news section of the computer, in the right column and in the news section of the phone.
- The next step is one of the most important: the selection of the public , the users you want to be shown the ad. You can filter by location, age, sex, language and other demographics as interest or relationship status. Also, you can choose whether you want to be shown only to users who are not yet fans. In "More Categories", you have plenty of options for targeting more advanced. To the right you will see what is the scope of potential ad you are creating.
- In Campaign is where you select what you want to be the budget: either daily or full (when it reaches that money spent for the campaign). You can also set the dates of the campaign.
- Almost have created the ad. In Bid prices and you can choose how you want to optimize Facebook ad: if for the purpose, whether to get more clicks or impressions. When you have everything ready, click on "Review Order" to take a final look.
- Go over that is all well and when you are sure, click "Checkout".
- You will have to enter the password for your Facebook account. Do it and click Continue.
- You've created your ad on Facebook! Now you just have to wait for approval of the social network, and the campaign will run.
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