Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Prevent hair loss in women

The hair loss is usually associated with problems of men. However, it is more common in women than we think. The good news is that there are ways to treat and prevent hair loss . We tell you what are the most successful treatment options and how to prevent hair loss in women .

Causes of hair loss

The main reason which causes hair loss is hormonal, so it really is no wonder women suffer from this condition. It is believed that the hormone which mainly affects hair problem is particularly testosterone, a derivative thereof or DHT hormone called.

When this derivative is excessively generated in the body, the process by which hair follicles receive the necessary nutrition to keep hair strong is inhibited. The causes for this imbalance by hormonal often primarily genetic, but it also happens in boxes related to the reproductive system and in the postpartum period diseases.

On the other hand, a poor diet undoubtedly accelerate any tendency to lose hair .

How to prevent hair loss

Both genetic predisposition and because the wife just had a baby or have a condition on the reproductive system, there are preventive measures that can be taken when you begin to notice the first signs of hair loss . Let us see what are the ways to prevent it:

  • Keeping a diet that meets all the vitamins and minerals needed to strengthen hair . Hair health can be benefited through nutrition. Special attention has to be vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin H, responsible for the production of keratin-, zinc and magnesium. Similarly, note that for optimal production of keratin is important to consume adequate amounts of protein daily.
  • Avoid hair coloring tirelessly to not attack the hair already weakened by the chemicals in the hair dye, or use natural methods to color the hair .
  • Avoid using shampoo and other hair products containing detergent called sodium lauryl sulfate and silicones, as these products can exacerbate problems in the hair follicles.
  • Evita also apply hair conditioner and styling gel at the roots, because the pores and hair follicles in the head will be clogged and thus prevent the birth of new hair as accelerate the weakening of existing. Remember that styling products and conditioner should only be applied along the hair, not in the roots.
TAGS:- Strengthen Hair,Hair Care Beauty,Tips Advice Hair

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