Sunday, April 20, 2014

Top 10 tips for saving energy at home

Has your electric bill gone up threatening your family budget ? If that's the case, you need not worry from now on, here we will give you 10 good tips to save energy and reduce your electricity bills.

Top 10 tips for saving energy at home

1. Optimize use of air conditioning

Only use air conditioning when it is very hot. You can also choose to use fans as they consume much less electricity. One method of saving energy is to set the air to the lower temperature at night and set the automatic timer for 1 or 2 hours after being on the air. However, be sure to close all doors and windows to prevent air leakage. The room will also be fresh enough for 5 or 6 until now rising and will not require turning on the air conditioning once you are asleep.

2. Turn off lights when not in use

Before leaving home for work, make sure to turn off all lights and electronics. Even when you leave a room, turn off the lights, air conditioning or fan. These consume energy and increase your electricity bills unnecessarily.

3. Use fluorescent lamps

CFLs reduce its energy consumption by almost 75%. Yes, they may cost more, but worth every penny. What's more, they last longer than regular bulbs or tube lights.

4. Unplug electronics when not in use

This applies to all electronic devices such as TV, air conditioning, chargers, etc.. Do not leave appliances unplugged when not in use. This wastes a lot of energy. Turn off and unplug all appliances when not in use to save electricity.

5. Minimize the use of electronic devices

Some kitchen appliances such as microwave ovens, blenders, toasters and mixers can be used optimally. If you can, minimize the use of these devices.

6. Plance Wash and in large quantities

Instead of using the washing machine every day to wash a few clothes, wash clothes in large quantities every other day or three times a week, thus saving electricity. Also, wash clothes in cold water instead of hot water will help save electricity. Do the same for all the clothes iron. Iron all the clothes in one day, instead of turning the board all week. This method also makes your electronics last longer.

7. Keep your refrigerator clean

If you clean the fridge once a month, improve your efficiency. Although the most important thing is you have to clean the back of the fridge as it is where all the dirt and dust accumulate. If the refrigerator efficiency improves, you will not have to lower the temperature, the more energy it consumes.

8. Replace appliances by which electric or

Appliances such as electric shaver and electric toothbrush consume much of its electricity. Besides, it's not as if your life will not work without these devices. You just need to switch to a razor and toothbrushes that will give the same results as their electric counterparts.

9. Vacuum Use less frequently

Another way to save energy is to reduce the time used the vacuum. For example, if you are using the cleaner twice a week, you can reduce it to once a week. Clean all upholstery, furniture, floor mats during this period.

10. Install motion sensors

Motion sensors are especially useful when used for outdoor lighting. Motion sensors turn on when there is movement near them and turn off automatically. You can even install it in your home as it will be helpful if you forget to turn off the lights in the house.

Saving energy is not only essential for the budget but also helps the environment and our beloved planet Earth.

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