Sunday, March 02, 2014

Fresh eggs - 4 homemade tricks to know if eggs are fresh

home Description trick:

Many people to know if the egg is cool, pour it on a plate to see if your color is good and then fried. But what if you are in the shell? How is that this egg is fresh and edible?

Here you will learn four tricks for you to recognize homemade fresh eggs.

1. If you take an egg and move but feel that moves inside the egg is not fresh. A fresh egg yolk remains firm cushioning.

2. if you put an egg in a glass of water and salt and this fleet, you know it is not cool. Is full of gas inside, so it should not be consumed.

3. if you pour the egg in a frying pan or a flat surface and the yolk is separated entirely clear, that egg is not fresh. You have to throw it away.

4. The shell of an egg is fresh, smooth and shiny is good unlike fresh one that is rough.

Do you know?

The egg has a nutritional value especially at the stage of growth, pregnancy, lactation and elderly.

The egg contains a substance called "choline" necessary for the nervous system and strengthens memory.

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