Monday, March 03, 2014

Home Remedies for Candida albicans infection in the skin

One of the fungi frequently responsible for infections of skin fungus is Candida albicans . Fortunately, infection of candida albicans skin (also known as cutaneous candidiasis) is easily treated and most of the time it's nothing serious.

What is candida albicans

Candida albicans is a yeast that is present in humans in small amounts. However, certain medications and some health problems such as diabetes and obesity , may cause the yeast to grow and multiply, especially in warm, moist areas of the body.

The most common conditions for the fungus multiple and causing an infection are:

  • Areas of wet or sweaty skin are ideal for candida albicans. Therefore, the sites usually affected are the skin folds of the groin, armpits and under the breasts. Obese people can develop candida infection among the "rolls" or folds of skin. Can also affect the skin between the fingers and toes and the corners of the mouth.
  • People with poor hygiene habits that last for several days without bathing or changing clothes not for several days.
  • People with diabetes or prediabetes.
  • Babies who do not change their diapers often.
  • Another common reason is not dry skin thoroughly after bathing especially obese people.
  • Eating a diet high in sugar and flour because that feeds the fungus.
  • Take a long course of antibiotics, birth control pills or steroid medications. These drugs kill other friendly bacteria leaving room for the candida albicans to multiply out of control.
  • People with compromised immune systems. For example, AIDS patients, people undergoing chemotherapy or who have some type of serious blood disorder.

Symptoms of infection with candida albicans skin

When infection occurs in the folds of the skin, the affected area is characterized by a red rash that spreads until question. The rash usually give very itchy especially at the edges.

Small blister-like bumps may develop on the rash. You can also produce a substance yellow or white on the affected area. If it comes to the areas between the toes or fingers, the affected skin may become thick and whitish.

Treatment of cutaneous candidiasis

Usually the doctor recommends counter antifungal creams, such as ketoconazole or lotrimin clotrimazole. However, there are home remedies like garlic that can be even more effective than these creams.

Home Remedies for Skin Fungus


Garlic is a powerful natural antifungal. Yeast and garlic simply can not coexist, so that regular consumption of garlic is a highly effective method to control candida. We can also make some homemade garlic cream for external use.

Garlic is a powerful antifungal that fights candida albicans effectively
Anti-fungal cream garlic and vaseline
to remove skin fungus can crush several cloves of garlic and mix with Vaseline. The mixture to the affected skin is smeared. Repeat every day for a week.

Garlic capsules
in health food stores and some supermarkets sell garlic capsules that can burst and leave the garlic as a gel. This gel or oil directly on the affected area applies. Repeat every day for a week. It is also good to take a capsule according to the directions on the bottle to attack the fungus from within.

Coconut oil

Research has shown that medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil kill candida. Caprylic acid is a fatty acid found in coconut oil that has been used for quite some time in fighting candida infections fungi.

Addition of caprylic acid, capric acid and lauric acid have also been shown to be highly effective to kill Candida albicans rapidly.

It is important to look at the package of coconut oil that says "unrefined" or "extra virgin" and preferably organic. It can be applied directly to the affected skin and also good to eat a table spoon unrefined coconut oil daily.

To double power you can add the gel a garlic capsule a little coconut oil and put it directly on the affected skin. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the benefits that are attributed to Apple cider vinegar is fighting the fungus candida albicans. A good way of using vinegar is to take two or three cups of water in the tub and get about 30 minutes making sure the water to the areas affected by the fungus. 

Another option is to mix a little vinegar with water and apply with a cotton ball on the affected part.

Herxheimer Reaction

When an infection is candidiasis successfully combat the person may experience symptoms similar to influenza. This condition is known as "Herxheimer reaction". This occurs when the kidneys and liver can not process the amount of toxins released when the candida is dying. Herxheimer symptoms include headache and body aches, chills, dizziness and fatigue. Another possibility is that the itching in the affected area increases. All these symptoms disappear after a few days.

Additional recommendations

  • Keep the skin dry and exposed to air when possible. Sprinkle with cornstarch body can keep the skin dry and help prevent yeast infections.
  • Losing weight can help to eliminate the problem if you are overweight.
  • Adequate control of blood sugar is also used to control the fungus in people with diabetes with cutaneous candidiasis.
  • Consider including in your diet Acidophilus a probiotic supplement.

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